Sunday 23 September 2012

Day 5 - Cravings and sore arms...

Like I said, I wouldn't be blogging daily, but after a few more days of eating/working out like a spartan I have a few more things to say. (I don't actually know how a spartan eats or exercises, but fuck off, I am telling myself I am being a spartan).

Friday's workout (Day 3) (the second of the 2 we rotate through during the accelerator) was shitty. But the good kind of shitty. All four exercises required us to grip things - dumbbells, barbells etc.... turns out my forearms aren't the strongest part of me... Straightening my arms = sad face... However, most of that is gone now (oddly enough - after today's workout, the pain went away).

Friday's eating was fine again... minimal cravings, lots of veggies and pork tenderloin for dinner. YUM.

Oo, oo, oo!! Jason said I can eat BACON!!!! 2 slices with breakfast, but I have to count it as my fat. Works for me... this was a fucking game changer! I will probably just have eggs (mostly egg whites) and 1-2 slices of bacon with every breakfast this week. Bacon is making life easier and better.
Now for the effed-up part: Scott doesn't like bacon. Fucking weirdo.

My new breakfast buddy

That being said, yesterday (Day 4) was the hardest day eating wise. It was a Saturday, I had the day off (from school, work, WORKING OUT), and it was my buddy Nik's birthday party at night. Carby cravings were ever-present yesterday. I wanted pasta, pizza, chips, beer... you name it. I wanted it. Jason warned me this would happen, so, using my new-found self control and discipline, I still managed to eat just fine... 
Note: Crown Royal Black has zero carbs, and like 97 cals, so 1-2 oz on ice was enough to suffice. 

Onto today, Day 5. Got up at like 9:30, drank a bunch of water, went to the gym at 11. Today, we did the same workout that we did last Wednesday. Soooooooo, in like 4 days, I actually improved. I was able to do more during the "as many as possible" exercises, and more weight during the 10 rep exercises. #neuralchangesmakemefeelgood. Told you I was a spartan. 

Jason just shared this on Facebook... talk about timing

Also, Krista came to the gym today too and burned over 500 calories. Hats of to her for working hard and getting in the spirit of exercise! 

We then rushed home, at lunch, and left again for our ultimate frisbee game at 1. We got there at 12:59ish I think... and the other team no-showed. They must've heard I was on the opposing team and decided to stay home and save themselves the embarrassment. 

After frisbee and a shower, we went to the grocery store. This is fun now. You go and buy a shitload of veggies and MEAT. Pork, chicken, turkey - got em all. Then when you get home, all you have in your house is healthy food that fits the program. Eating is easier if I don't temp myself.

That's about it for now. I am tired, and we have soccer at 10pm tonight (busy day, right?)... So time to rest until then.

I am looking forward to see how much stronger I get over the next days/weeks.

Oh, and I feel thinner already... who knows if it's in my head or true... we'll see on the weekend when we re-measure everything. (I will also post post-accelerator pics then, try and keep it in your pants ladies.)

Oh, and if anyone actually reads this, and doesn't already follow Jason, do it - he knows his shit.

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